Tokyo International Arts Festival Tokyo International Arts Festival japanese
February 10 - March 27,2006
 Supported by Agency for Cultural Affairs organized NPO artsnetwokhapana About Tokyo International Arts Festival (TIF) TIF archives
From Director of the TIF
regional theater series
communication program
IVP international visitors' program
About Tokyo International Arts Festival (TIF)

Tokyo International Arts Festival is organized by the NPO, Arts Network Japan. TIF is held annually with 2005 being the 11th anniversary of its history. TIF consists of three main programs, which are: Theatrical program for both local and international participants, as well as regional theater series; The Communication Program, providing occasional theatergoers and students studying in the field opportunities to learn more about the processes behind the curtains of a theatrical production; and The International Visitors' Program, which is offered in the hope of building networks and sharing ideas between Japanese and international arts professionals


Board Members

Yasuhiko Endo

General Director/ Japan Foundation for Regional Art-Activities

Akihiko Senda

Professor/ Sizuoka University of Art and Culture

Taeko Nagai

Director/ Setagaya Arts Center

Hirotaro Higuchi

Honorary Chairman/ Asahi Breweries, Ltd.

Yoshiharu Fukuhara

Honorary Chairman/ Shiseido. Co.Ltd.

Susumu Yanase

Councilor,Vice-president of Ongaku-Giin Renmei

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