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Art On Move

PlayBox Theater {Australia} 
Please get Windows Media Player to see the movie. 
Technical Support Waseda University BNT Labo. 
TIF News 
021217  TPS ; Bungakuza "Beyer in Winter" is on Move !
021213 Indian Summer of Hirosaki Gekijo is now running at Theatre Tram ! 
021213 IPlay Box's "Stolen" is on Move ! 
021101 IVP Info is up dated ! 

Art On Move

"Indian Summer"

Now on running at the Theatre Tram !               
Please get Windows Media Player to see the movie. 
Technical Support Waseda University BNT Labo. 


Art On Move

coming soon
 TPS + Bungakuza
"Beyer in Winter" i
Now on running at the Theatre Tram !               
Please get Windows Media Player to see the movie. 
Technical Support Waseda University BNT Labo.
theater Berliner Ensemble (Germany)  Richard II 9/10-15
RIN KO GUN Until the Last Person Standing  10/3-20
Black Tent Theater  The Courage in the Hidden Fortress  10/12-27
EX-Machina (Canada) the far side of the moon 10/19-27
Ku Na'uka Theatre Company  A Streetcar Named Desire  10/31-11/10
Theatre Company Rakutendan Stolen / The 7 Stages of Grieving  11/14-19
Toenkai  blue film 11/15-17
TIF + Setagaya Public Theatre Present The Whirlpool of the Southern Hemisphere  11/28-12/10
Playbox (Australia)  Stolen 12/12-15
Tailand+Phillippines+Hirosaki Gekijo  Indian Summer  12/13-15
TPS+ Bungakuza Beyer in Winter 12/17-19
regional Gekidan B-kyu Yugekitai (Nagoya) Eraser 11/21-24
Gekidan Ugly Duckling (Osaka) The Last Resort - to sleep, to keep sleeping  11/26-28
Theatre Comnany Cofuku-Gekijo (Miyazaki) Slowest Drice for the Place 11/30-12/1
POP THEATRE Я(Yamaguchi Sora 12/6-8
Tobu-Gekijo (Kita-Kyusyu) Mi-mo Kokoro-mo 12/6-8
dance Diversions (Wales, UK) Etch / Unspoken Agreement  11/22-24
Idevian Crew  The Nutcracker 11/28-12/1
Yukio Waguri + Butoh Kozensya Topographia Phantastica II 12/5-7